Friday, October 15, 2010

The Cub, The Wolf, and The Popcorn !

Welcome!  Recently my wife and I decided to let my son join the local Cub Scouts. As a youth I had not had the opportunity to join and participate with the local scouts. So off to the first meeting we go! I was glad to discover many other children in the pack with my son!

I was really impressed with the quality of information that was presented, and had the opportunity to meet several other homeschooling families! My wife's brother was a member of the Scouts and worked all the way up to Eagle Scout, and was thrilled when my son called him to tell him he had joined!

So far we have been able to participate in two "fun" activities and helped sell Boy Scout Popcorn at a local store one Saturday morning. While my wife is recovering from surgery this week, her parents came down to help watch the kids, and before they could get into the house, my son was rushing to show them his Scout book and telling them all about scout things!

Honestly, as I learn more about this organization, the more I want my son to enjoy the rewards of meeting new friends, and earning the merits, but most of all participating in a larger group. As a dad, I want to become more involved with the group not only for my son, but to help with all the boys of the pack. I think this will be another avenue to bond with and have fun with him as he grows up and I grow old!

I would love to hear from any other homeschooling dads that participates with the scouts, so please drop me a line and share your stories with us! I will definitely have more about the scouts as we get in to it, including some pictures!

Well, so long for now! May God Bless Homeschooling Dad's the world over! Meet you again next time in Dad's Homeschool Garage!

1 comment:

  1. I have given you an award come on by to pick it up.

    Feel free to change the ?'s or skip them entirely.
    I really enjoy reading your posts to my hubby as he is our working man around here too!
